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    Quest: Berserker Epic 2.0 for Character : Dazerker

      Missing Student (Zerker 2.0)
    Hail Keras
    Go to the Hole and Hail Julei Direaxe.

    Follow her and retrieve medal for Keras.
    Enhancing the axe
    Hand in Medal, Hail Keras, Say 'enhance my axe' 'what other items of power?' 'what gems?' 'what metals?'
    Hail Greeble Blacktoe
    Loot or buy a Lightning Core, off any lightning mob in MPG (rare drop)
    Hail Tarvash Scriller, say "I want information" (or "what gems")
    Hand Tarvish 50 gold-or 5 platinum
    Hand Tarvish 50 platinum
    Kill Bazu Smasher in NC, Loot a Facetted Gemstone
    Hail Grithyank Avlonnon, say 'I wish to enhance my axe' 'I wish to learn more about it'
    Kill Ancient Shade in Griegg's End Loot Shadowed Lump of Bronze
    Kill warden Hanvar in Citadel of Anguish, Loot a "globe of discordant energy"
    Hand-ins to Keras
    Hand in Lightning Core, Facetted Moonstone, Shadowed Lump of Bronze, and your 1.5 to keras, recieve a Unhoned Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe (or 1.6)

    Hand-ins to Grithyank Avlonnon to receive epic
    Hand in 1.6 & Globe to Grithyank Avlonnon, recieve Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe







    Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe

    2HS, Damage: 91 Delay: 33

    AC: +80 Str: +30 Dex: +30 Sta: +35 Cha: +20 Agi: +15 HP: +425 End: +400

    Fire Resist: +30 Disease Resist: +25 Cold Resist: +30 Magic Resist: +30 Poison Resist: +30