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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    RaidnameTuesday - Red
    Start20 May 2014 (20:30)
    End20 May 2014 (23:30)
    DKP Earned for Time18
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus22
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AilynAilyn(20:30 - 22:50)17
    Minimousieannonymouse(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Belaxbelax(20:55 - 23:30)16.5
    BellatryxBellatryx(20:30 - 23:30)22
    BlatoBlato(20:30 - 23:30)22
    BroaddusBroaddus(20:30 - 23:30)22
    chorrerachorrera(20:30 - 21:25)8.5
    BabeyDababi(20:30 - 23:30)22
    DarkciaDarkcia(20:30 - 23:30)22
    AlwrathDedmaann(21:30 - 23:30)13
    DeianaDeiana(20:30 - 23:30)22
    DensmoreDensmore(20:30 - 23:30)22
    DrayzeDrayze(20:30 - 23:30)22
    GaintGaint(20:30 - 23:30)22
    GiddonGiddon(20:30 - 23:30)22
    GloireGloire(20:30 - 23:30)22
    GokulotGokulot(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Gostfaasgostypoo(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Hannabearyhannabeary(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Hatorrihatorri(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Indestrutibbleindestructibble(20:30 - 23:30)22
    iuaniIUANI(22:15 - 23:30)8.5
    Khaotiicskhaotiics(20:30 - 23:30)22
    KroonKroon(20:45 - 22:45)12
    Kyrinakyrina(20:30 - 23:30)22
    LadenfirLadenfir(21:25 - 23:30)13.5
    LeinLein(20:55 - 23:30)16.5
    LetahLetah(20:30 - 23:30)22
    MarmarMarmar(20:30 - 23:30)22
    NoelleNoelle(20:30 - 23:30)22
    TassiousOpiewan(20:30 - 23:30)22
    PelargirPelargir(20:30 - 23:30)22
    phantheaphan(20:30 - 23:30)22
    PhasPhas(20:30 - 23:30)22
    plearanaplearana(20:30 - 23:30)22
    RebelzheartRebelzheart(20:30 - 23:30)22
    ScornfulScornful(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Sindaansindaan(20:30 - 23:30)22
    spardasparda(20:30 - 23:30)22
    SpedocdSpedocd(20:30 - 23:30)22
    SwarmySwarmy(20:30 - 22:40)16
    TarelinuTarelinu(20:30 - 23:30)22
    QUISLINGTUCOH(20:30 - 23:30)22
    VeudayanVeudayan(20:30 - 22:00)12
    VonnVonn(20:30 - 23:30)22
    wamkinwamkin(22:45 - 23:30)5.5
    WildloverWildice2(20:30 - 23:30)22
    WonderstoneWonderstone(21:50 - 22:05)1.5
    YoghurtYoghurt(20:30 - 23:30)22
    ZandezZandez(20:45 - 23:30)17.5
    Wildice2Jerard, The Doll of Silent Confessions63
    YoghurtTunic of Suppressed Ether150
    PelargirBloodstained Shoulders234
    DeadpoolTunic of Suppressed Ether137.5
    MarmarSilken Midnight Sash22
    OpiewanDragoon's Crusher21
    OpiewanNaythox's Keeper of Order21
    BlatoArmguards of Suppressed Ether99
    Wildice2Armguards of Suppressed Ether86
    TarelinuEmblem of Lost Vows31.5
    SwarmyBand of Unquenched Bloodlust70
    LetahEmerald Loop of Salvation31
    Wildice2Tracker's Choker of Tranquility22
    DedmaannBoots of Suppressed Ether61.5
    phanBoots of Suppressed Ether65
    KroonBlued Steelforce Longbow21
    hannabearyHuntsman's Bloodcharm Necklace20
    TarelinuMace of Dire Straits22
    hannabearyMace of Dire Straits20
    TUCOHBracer of Suppressed Ether43
    indestructibbleDefender's Brilliant Grey Targe25
    Wildice2Bracer of Suppressed Ether32
    SpedocdShawl of Redemption20