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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    RaidnameWednesday - Red
    Start05 November 2014 (20:30)
    End05 November 2014 (22:50)
    DKP Earned for Time14
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus18
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AartoAarto(20:30 - 22:50)18
    AdideraAdidera(22:00 - 22:50)6
    alicinnalicinn(20:30 - 21:50)11
    Minimousieannonymouse(20:30 - 22:50)18
    DylannArcisius(20:30 - 22:50)18
    Belaxbelax(20:30 - 22:50)18
    BellatryxBellatryx(20:35 - 21:55)8
    BroaddusBroaddus(20:45 - 22:50)13.5
    CalimanCaliman(20:30 - 22:50)18
    CanbyCanby(20:30 - 22:50)18
    chorrerachorrera(20:30 - 22:45)16.5
    BabeyDababi(20:30 - 22:50)18
    DaementiaDaementia(20:30 - 22:50)18
    DedgerDedger(22:10 - 22:50)5
    delliciousdellicious(20:30 - 22:50)18
    DensmoreDensmore(22:05 - 22:50)5.5
    DorjanDorjan(20:30 - 22:50)18
    DrayzeDrayze(20:30 - 22:50)18
    drpaindrpainmd(20:30 - 22:50)18
    FullburnFullburn(20:30 - 22:50)18
    GaintGaint(20:30 - 22:50)18
    GiddonGiddon(20:30 - 22:40)16
    GlorfGlorf(21:40 - 22:50)8
    GokulotGokulot(20:30 - 22:50)18
    ImmdaarzImmdaarz(20:30 - 22:50)18
    iuaniIUANI(22:00 - 22:50)6
    Khaotiicskhaotiics(20:30 - 22:50)18
    KiluvasKiluvas(20:30 - 22:50)18
    KrosarKrosar Shadowflame(20:40 - 22:50)14
    Kyrinakyrina(20:30 - 22:50)18
    LetahLetah(21:30 - 22:50)9
    LisselLissel(20:30 - 22:50)18
    MauulerMauuler(20:30 - 22:50)18
    MicariaMicaria(22:05 - 22:50)5.5
    NoelleNoelle(20:30 - 22:50)18
    NopeNope(20:30 - 22:50)18
    PamsterPamster(20:30 - 22:50)18
    PhasPhas(20:30 - 22:50)18
    plearanaplearana(20:30 - 22:50)18
    RerdarRerdar(20:30 - 22:50)18
    RibbonRibbon(20:30 - 22:50)18
    ScornfulScornful(20:30 - 22:50)18
    SeconchanzSeconchanz(20:35 - 22:50)14.5
    SilverboySilverboy(20:30 - 22:50)18
    Sindaansindaan(20:30 - 22:40)16
    SkollSkoll(20:30 - 22:50)18
    SwarmySwarmy(21:00 - 22:45)10.5
    SycarieSycarie(20:30 - 22:45)16.5
    TarelinuTarelinu(20:30 - 22:50)18
    TilkiaTrinada(20:30 - 22:50)18
    QUISLINGTUCOH(20:30 - 22:50)18
    wamkinwamkin(20:30 - 21:10)7
    WhackkWhackk(22:00 - 22:50)6
    YoghurtYoghurt(21:25 - 22:50)9.5
    YuupYuup(21:40 - 22:50)8
    ZandezZandez(20:30 - 22:50)18
    ZerricZerric(20:30 - 22:50)18
    FullburnBloodstained Shoulders200.5
    KiluvasArmguards of Suppressed Ether11
    PhasArmguards of Suppressed Ether25
    PhasBuckler of the Roaring Lion35
    KiluvasGaudy Ruby Encrusted Band12
    YuupAmulet of Unified Vision127
    SycarieDresovir Shard, Ro's Fiery Tower105
    YuupTunic of Flowing Ether150
    GlorfTunic of Flowing Ether150
    NopeHelm of Flowing Ether75
    belaxLoop of Lingering Decay61
    DrayzeBracer of Flowing Ether149
    delliciousRoyal Guardian's Vermillion Saber60
    DensmoreRosette of the Restless Dead147
    YoghurtBrilliant Flame Edged Cleaver20.5