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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    RaidnameTuesday - Red
    Start01 December 2015 (20:30)
    End01 December 2015 (23:50)
    DKP Earned for Time20
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus24
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AartoAarto(21:05 - 23:50)17.5
    Minimousieannonymouse(20:30 - 23:35)21.5
    Arromissedarromissed(20:30 - 23:50)24
    Belaxbelax(20:30 - 23:50)24
    BroaddusBroaddus(20:30 - 23:50)24
    CalimanCaliman(20:30 - 22:50)17
    CanbyCanby(20:30 - 23:50)24
    CastnCastn(20:30 - 23:50)24
    Zybaanchorrera(20:30 - 22:05)12.5
    delliciousdellicious(20:30 - 23:50)24
    DensmoreDensmore(21:50 - 23:50)13
    drpaindrpainmd(20:30 - 23:50)24
    Dryedrye(20:30 - 23:50)24
    FranabulaxzFranabulaxz(20:30 - 23:50)24
    FullburnFullburn(20:30 - 23:50)24
    GaintGaint(20:30 - 23:50)24
    GattinoGattino(20:30 - 23:50)24
    GokulotGokulot(20:30 - 23:50)24
    HalarxHalarx(20:30 - 23:50)24
    ImmdaarzImmdaarz(20:30 - 23:50)24
    IsadoraIsadora(20:30 - 23:50)24
    iuaniIUANI(20:40 - 22:25)10.5
    KainkernKainkern(20:30 - 23:50)24
    KaymarKaymar(20:30 - 23:35)21.5
    KeysKeys(20:30 - 23:30)21
    Khaotiicskhaotiics(20:30 - 23:50)24
    KiluvasKiluvas(20:30 - 23:50)24
    KrosarKrosar Shadowflame(20:30 - 23:50)24
    Kyrinakyrina(20:30 - 23:50)24
    LisselLissel(20:30 - 23:50)24
    LlolaniLlolani(20:30 - 23:50)24
    MauulerMauuler(20:30 - 23:50)24
    MicariaMicaria(20:30 - 23:50)24
    NarcisticNarcistic(20:30 - 23:50)24
    NekkradNekkrad(20:30 - 23:50)24
    NopeNope(20:35 - 22:45)13
    NukemsNukems(20:30 - 23:50)24
    oopsifizzledoopsifizzled(20:30 - 23:50)24
    PamsterPamster(20:30 - 23:40)22
    PowerfulPowerful(20:30 - 23:50)24
    RimelureRimelure(20:30 - 23:50)24
    RiptomballiRiptomballi(20:30 - 23:40)22
    Sindaansindaan(20:30 - 23:50)24
    SnakeyesSnakeyes(20:30 - 23:50)24
    ToothfairyToothfairy(20:30 - 22:50)17
    TilkiaTrinada(20:30 - 23:50)24
    Vorgavorga(20:30 - 23:50)24
    WhateverzWhateverz(20:30 - 23:50)24
    WildloverWildice2(20:35 - 23:50)20.5
    YoghurtYoghurt(21:35 - 23:50)14.5
    CalimanDamsel of Decay Chain Helm Ornament4
    annonymouseDamsel of Decay Plate Wrist Ornament3.5
    CalimanGilded Prodigal Harrier85
    drpainmdRaw Deathseekers Tunic400
    FranabulaxzGreater Essence of the Decay17.5
    oopsifizzledSkinners Belt174
    KiluvasLesser Essence of Decay6
    FranabulaxzGrotesque Girdle44
    RiptomballiDamsel of Decay Plate Chest Ornament21
    CalimanRaw Deathseekers Helmet251
    annonymouseHalf Face of Life278
    KeysFeather of the Lady77
    PamsterRaw Deathseekers Boots221.5
    NekkradLady of Lifes Memento140
    CalimanLesser Essence of Decay6
    SnakeyesPeacock Feather of the Lady45