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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    RaidnameThursday - Red
    Start23 October 2014 (20:30)
    End23 October 2014 (22:45)
    DKP Earned for Time13.5
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus17.5
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    Minimousieannonymouse(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    ArcayneArcayne(20:50 - 22:45)12.5
    DylannArcisius(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    Belaxbelax(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    BlatoBlato(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    BootheeadiaBootheeadia(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    CanbyCanby(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    BabeyDababi(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    DensmoreDensmore(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    DrayzeDrayze(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    drpaindrpainmd(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    FullburnFullburn(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    GaintGaint(21:00 - 22:45)11.5
    GattinoGattino(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    GiddonGiddon(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    GokulotGokulot(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    Gostfaasgostypoo(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    iuaniIUANI(21:15 - 22:25)7
    Khaotiicskhaotiics(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    KroonKroon(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    Kyrinakyrina(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    LetahLetah(22:15 - 22:45)4
    LisselLissel(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    CamaMarmar(20:35 - 22:45)-2.5Left and Returned11.5
    MauulerMauuler(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    MicariaMicaria(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    NopeNope(21:40 - 22:45)7.5
    OpiewanOpiewan(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    PamsterPamster(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    PhasPhas(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    plearanaplearana(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    ScornfulScornful(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    SilverboySilverboy(20:50 - 22:45)12.5
    Sindaansindaan(20:30 - 21:50)11
    SwarmySwarmy(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    SycarieSycarie(21:40 - 22:45)7.5
    TarelinuTarelinu(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    TilkiaTrinada(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    QUISLINGTUCOH(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    wamkinwamkin(20:30 - 22:30)15
    YoghurtYoghurt(20:40 - 22:45)13.5
    ZandezZandez(20:30 - 22:45)17.5
    LisselEyes of the Prime Healer25
    OpiewanBracer of Suppressed Ether30.5
    ScornfulBracer of Suppressed Ether20
    YoghurtGolden Mask of the Sunrise10
    PamsterDurable Pauldrons12
    OpiewanGloves of Suppressed Ether30.5
    LisselGloves of Suppressed Ether25
    OpiewanStinging Spaulders13
    MarmarCold Steel Axe10
    GattinoHuntsman's Bloodcharm Necklace16
    ArcisiusPolished Platinum Links10
    LisselBoots of Suppressed Ether25
    BootheeadiaBoots of Suppressed Ether20
    LisselHelm of Supressed Ether35
    OpiewanHelm of Supressed Ether31
    FullburnCommanding Gaze30.5
    SycarieCommanding Gaze13
    GattinoBonesnap Earring15
    PamsterEye of Lxanvon10