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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    Start06 February 2007 (20:00)
    End06 February 2007 (23:00)
    DKP Earned for Time18
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus22
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AaldyinAaldyin(20:00 - 23:00)22
    Diffdiff27(20:00 - 23:00)22
    ErientErient(20:00 - 20:50)8
    FinyFiny(20:00 - 23:00)22
    gottergotterdunn(20:00 - 23:00)22
    emahevalgwanna(20:00 - 23:00)22
    ShamrockIronbuff(20:00 - 21:20)11
    JadraJadra(20:00 - 23:00)22
    JunfanJunfan(20:00 - 23:00)22
    KarpovKarpov(20:00 - 23:00)22
    Kumaherekumahere(20:00 - 20:20)5
    LachLach(20:00 - 23:00)22
    LindaareLindaare(20:00 - 23:00)22
    PerreflorrePerreflorre(20:00 - 23:00)22
    Underpharmega(21:10 - 22:05)5.5
    PhluffPhluff(20:00 - 21:50)14
    Serlenaserlena(20:10 - 23:00)18
    ShenghaiShenghai(20:00 - 23:00)22
    SoullancerSoullancer(20:00 - 21:20)11
    SqueezeboxSqueezebox(20:00 - 23:00)22
    StanzaaStanzaa(20:00 - 23:00)22
    KendarianTrao(22:10 - 23:00)6
    WulluilWulluil(20:00 - 23:00)22
    ZamzibarZamzibar(20:00 - 23:00)22
    gwannahoop of the nest defender80
    Aboshanband of ashen rain15
    Shenghaimuramite bracer armor33
    Shenghaimuramite bracer armor20
    Lindaarejewel of focus10
    Junfanmuramite helm armor55
    Zamzibarglyph of souls20
    serlenamuramite sleeve armor52