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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    RaidnameWednesday - Red
    Start01 July 2015 (20:30)
    End01 July 2015 (23:40)
    DKP Earned for Time19
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus23
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AartoAarto(20:30 - 23:40)23
    AdideraAdidera(21:10 - 23:40)16
    Minimousieannonymouse(20:30 - 23:40)23
    ArcxArcx(20:35 - 23:40)19.5
    Arromissedarromissed(20:30 - 23:40)23
    Belaxbelax(20:30 - 23:40)23
    BorrnBorrn(20:30 - 23:40)23
    BroaddusBroaddus(20:30 - 23:40)23
    CalimanCaliman(20:30 - 23:40)23
    CanbyCanby(20:30 - 23:40)23
    CastnCastn(20:30 - 23:40)23
    BrittaniahClawcat(20:30 - 23:40)23
    delliciousdellicious(20:30 - 23:40)23
    DrayzeDrayze(20:30 - 23:40)23
    EdanstienEdanstien(20:30 - 23:40)23
    FranabulaxzFranabulaxz(20:30 - 23:40)23
    GattinoGattino(20:30 - 23:40)23
    ghostdawgghostdawg(20:30 - 23:40)23
    GlorfGlorf(20:35 - 23:40)19.5
    GokulotGokulot(20:30 - 23:40)23
    ImmdaarzImmdaarz(20:30 - 23:40)23
    IsadoraIsadora(20:30 - 23:40)23
    iuaniIUANI(21:00 - 23:40)17
    KiluvasKiluvas(20:30 - 23:40)23
    Kyrinakyrina(20:30 - 23:40)23
    LisselLissel(20:30 - 23:40)23
    MaggussMagguss(20:30 - 23:35)21.5
    MauulerMauuler(20:30 - 23:40)23
    MoraliusMoralius(20:30 - 23:40)23
    NopeNope(20:30 - 23:40)23
    PamsterPamster(20:30 - 23:40)23
    PowerfulPowerful(20:30 - 23:40)23
    RebelzheartRebelzheart(20:30 - 23:40)23
    RibbonRibbon(20:30 - 23:40)23
    RiptomballiRiptomballi(20:30 - 23:40)23
    Sindaansindaan(20:50 - 23:40)18
    SkollSkoll(20:30 - 23:40)23
    SnakeyesSnakeyes(20:30 - 23:40)23
    SpedocdSpedocd(20:30 - 23:40)23
    SycarieSycarie(20:30 - 23:40)23
    TarelinuTarelinu(20:30 - 23:40)23
    QUISLINGTUCOH(20:30 - 23:40)23
    ValquinValquin(20:30 - 23:40)23
    Vorgavorga(20:30 - 23:40)23
    WhackkWhackk(20:30 - 20:50)5
    WildloverWildice2(20:35 - 23:40)19.5
    YoghurtYoghurt(20:30 - 23:40)23
    ZerricZerric(20:30 - 23:40)23
    Zollinfoezollinfoe(20:30 - 23:40)23
    annonymouseSledge of the Indagatorum21
    RebelzheartArx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament6
    IsadoraDarkwater Armguards85
    FranabulaxzElder Source of Creation23.5
    zollinfoeMedian Essence of the Citadel13
    SpedocdLesser Essence of the Citadel10
    RebelzheartGlowing Essence of the Citadel81
    GattinoLesser Essence of the Citadel8
    MauulerGlowing Essence of the Citadel78.5
    MauulerLamna Felicis40
    annonymouseArx Mentis Cloth Wrist Ornament3
    AdideraDarkwater Boots111
    GattinoPraedatora Facius45
    arromissedElder Source of Creation20.5
    ghostdawgMedian Essence of the Citadel12
    YoghurtFarrum Ventus20
    GokulotGreater Essence of the Citadel13
    CanbyLesser Essence of the Citadel40
    ghostdawgLesser Essence of the Citadel10
    GattinoLesser Essence of the Citadel8
    ImmdaarzLesser Essence of the Citadel7.5
    BorrnArx Mentis Plate Hands Ornament5
    ImmdaarzMedian Essence of the Citadel7.5
    Wildice2Median Essence of the Citadel7
    SkollMedian Essence of the Citadel6
    SycarieMedian Essence of the Citadel6
    EdanstienDarkwater Leggings100
    RibbonCollio Vis125
    SpedocdElder Source of Creation20
    CastnLumbia Memorias39
    ClawcatGreater Essence of the Citadel16
    ghostdawgLesser Essence of the Citadel8
    KiluvasArx Mentis Cloth Legs Ornament5
    GokulotDarkwater Bracer126.5
    vorgaObexa Magicae101
    GlorfDarkwater Leggings101
    GlorfObexa Animus133
    SnakeyesFaculta Primia20
    CastnGreater Essence of the Citadel18
    annonymouseGreater Essence of the Citadel14
    BroaddusGreater Essence of the Citadel14
    NopeGreater Essence of the Citadel15
    GokulotGreater Essence of the Citadel14
    ValquinMedian Essence of the Citadel9
    ClawcatAnulia Auguriis43
    AdideraTita's Incapacitating Cinture56.6
    MauulerAnulia Lingium50.5
    CastnSicarria Auctus22
    AdideraArx Mentis Plate Hands Ornament7
    ValquinLesser Essence of the Citadel9
    GlorfDarkwater Bracer125
    ghostdawgLesser Essence of the Citadel8
    ghostdawgLesser Essence of the Citadel8