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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    RaidnameTuesday - Red
    Start05 July 2016 (20:30)
    End05 July 2016 (23:30)
    DKP Earned for Time18
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus22
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AartoAarto(20:30 - 23:30)22
    AilynAilyn(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Minimousieannonymouse(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Arromissedarromissed(20:30 - 23:30)22
    AsuneAsune(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Belaxbelax(20:30 - 23:30)22
    BionicBionic(20:30 - 23:30)22
    BroaddusBroaddus(20:30 - 23:30)22
    CalimanCaliman(20:30 - 23:30)22
    CanbyCanby(20:30 - 23:30)22
    delliciousdellicious(20:30 - 23:30)22
    EmporerEmporer(20:30 - 23:30)22
    FranabulaxzFranabulaxz(20:30 - 23:30)22
    GaintGaint(20:30 - 23:30)22
    GokulotGokulot(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Hannabearyhannabeary(20:30 - 22:05)12.5
    ImmdaarzImmdaarz(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Iniquiteiniquite(20:30 - 23:30)22
    StabinerInterfectorum(20:30 - 23:30)22
    IsadoraIsadora(21:10 - 23:30)15
    iuaniIUANI(20:30 - 23:30)22
    KainkernKainkern(20:30 - 23:30)-2.5Extended LD19.5
    KelianiKeliani(20:30 - 23:30)22
    KeysKeys(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Khaotiicskhaotiics(20:30 - 23:30)22
    KiluvasKiluvas(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Kyrinakyrina(22:00 - 23:30)10
    LaedyinyaLaedyinya(20:30 - 23:30)22
    MauulerMauuler(20:30 - 23:30)22
    MoonzMoonz(20:30 - 23:30)22
    RhukiaNarcistic(20:30 - 23:30)22
    NekkradNekkrad(20:30 - 23:30)22
    NopeNope(20:30 - 23:30)22
    NukemsNukems(20:30 - 21:20)8
    PhasPhas(20:30 - 23:30)22
    PowerfulPowerful(20:30 - 23:30)22
    RiptomballiRiptomballi(20:30 - 23:30)22
    WoneSpedocd(20:30 - 23:30)22
    TarelinuTarelinu(20:30 - 23:30)22
    TarkkinTarkkin(21:05 - 23:30)15.5
    TartarosTartaros(20:30 - 22:30)15
    ToniToni(20:30 - 23:30)22
    vipperrvipperr(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Vorgavorga(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Xilakxilak(20:30 - 23:30)22
    YoghurtYoghurt(20:45 - 23:30)17.5
    ZabascoZabasco(20:30 - 23:30)22
    Zebrienzebrien(20:30 - 23:30)22
    ZerricZerric(20:30 - 23:30)22
    hannabearyRaw Deathseekers Tunic21
    AsuneBile Etched Obsidian Choker20
    hannabearyRaw Deathseekers Helmet20
    delliciousWithered Totem of Widdershins3
    PhasHalf Face of Life215.5
    AsuneRaw Deathseekers Boots20
    annonymouseShimmering Quill of the Lady20
    BionicShimmering Quill of the Lady20
    AilynRaw Deathseekers Wristguard20
    NitlaanAnashtis Feather of Protection20
    vipperrShield of Rainbow Hues22
    AsuneRaw Deathseekers Helmet20
    InterfectorumFrigid Pike of Isolation1
    AsuneRaw Deathseekers Wristguard20
    delliciousDark Feral Ravagers2
    IsadoraHalf Face of Decay210
    zebrienGlib Guilded Goldentorc20.5
    ZerricRaw Deathseekers Gloves23
    NekkradDemagogues Crutch3.5
    InterfectorumRaw Deathseekers Armwraps20
    GaintHigh Bokon Mangling Staff22
    BionicRaw Deathseekers Helmet20
    NitlaanHigh Bokon Mangling Staff20
    SpedocdBolstered Belt of Boromas20
    NitlaanRaw Deathseekers Tunic20
    NitlaanRaw Deathseekers Gloves20
    FranabulaxzEyes of Sul80
    AartoRaw Deathseekers Helmet33
    NitlaanRoyal Visage of Dissolution20
    AsuneRoyal Visage of Dissolution20
    belaxPolar Guise of Brilliant Radiance31
    AsuneRaw Deathseekers Tunic20
    AsuneRaw Deathseekers Armwraps20
    AsuneRaw Deathseekers Wristguard20