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    Previous Raid - NextRaid
    General Raidinfo
    Start19 April 2010 (14:30)
    End19 April 2010 (17:50)
    DKP Earned for Time20
    DKP Earned for Time+Bonus24
    Raid Attendies
    CharacterDKP toTime at RaidAdjustmentReasonEarnedDKP
    AatuenAatuen(15:05 - 16:00)5.5
    AngedelumiereAngedelumiere(15:40 - 17:50)14
    AthelstaneAthelstane(14:45 - 17:50)19.5
    BosirisBosiris(14:30 - 16:00)12
    ChaquoteChaquote(14:30 - 17:50)24
    Chiasmachiasma(14:30 - 16:20)14
    chiqongchiqong(14:30 - 17:50)24
    CyrkilCyrkil(14:30 - 17:50)24
    Darantdarant(14:30 - 17:50)24
    DellingDelling(14:30 - 16:55)17.5
    DivariaDivaria(14:30 - 17:50)24
    DeathcoilExsorcist(14:30 - 17:50)24
    Freewindfreewind(15:05 - 17:50)17.5
    GladareGladare(14:30 - 17:30)21
    PucelleJunfan(14:30 - 17:50)24
    Uvbeenkenhart(14:30 - 17:50)-4Left & returned20
    MephaKillegore(14:30 - 16:55)17.5
    KonamiiKonamii(16:15 - 17:50)10.5
    LlanwainLlanwain(15:10 - 17:50)17
    Mezziahmezziah(14:30 - 17:50)24
    MubuMubu(14:30 - 17:50)24
    Ommnokaommnoka(17:00 - 17:50)6
    LollannaOozie(14:30 - 17:50)24
    OrihkOrihk(14:30 - 16:10)13
    OrtoOrto(14:30 - 17:50)24
    PerreflorrePerreflorre(14:30 - 17:50)24
    PowerfulPowerful(14:30 - 17:50)24
    RezzieRezzie(14:30 - 17:50)24
    RrowzingRrowzing(15:15 - 17:50)16.5
    XasbusRTBUSMC(14:30 - 16:55)17.5
    SanoabSanoab(14:30 - 15:15)7.5
    SeishiSeishi(14:30 - 17:50)24
    HypatiaShenghai(14:30 - 17:50)-9Left & returned15
    SqueezeboxSqueezebox(15:20 - 17:50)16
    SustenonSustenon(14:30 - 16:55)17.5
    KittenclawSyssta(14:30 - 16:00)12
    ThuaggarThuaggar(14:30 - 15:25)8.5
    TimesTimes(14:30 - 17:50)24
    Toohotforutoohotforu(15:10 - 17:50)Bessna17
    UdeadnowwUdeadnoww(14:30 - 17:50)24
    WarloxxWarloxx(14:30 - 17:50)Shob24
    Wmofyvwmofyv(14:30 - 17:50)24
    yorryorr(14:30 - 17:50)24
    UdeadnowwDistorted Primeval Luminessence76
    DivariaRazorblade of Scale36
    toohotforuIksar Commander's Belt20
    AthelstaneEon Forged Plate Greaves21
    crazybear007Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar101
    LlanwainWhirring Archaen Rune15
    yorrPhased Primeval Luminessence81.5
    toohotforuThersith's Dragon Scale Cloak20